DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY On February 2, 1959, nine cross country skiers-campers were killed on the slopes of the Kholat Syaklh--a mountain range of the Urals. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY This brutal incident has been named the Dyatlov Pass Mystery. This event was named after the leader of this group, Igor Dyatlov, who perished with his comrades. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY The victims were from the Ural Polytechnical Institute. These young people were on holiday and had gone into the wilds, they were experienced outdoors-men and outdoors-women. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY The group was slaughtered on a mountain that was known by the local Mansi people (TRIBE) as "The Mountain Death". |
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DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY This mystery or slaughter--has many theories, it also has a lot of evidence. Journals and cameras were found at the scene of where these people died. The film was developed, the journals were gone over. This is what we know. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY The holiday group left on their planned backwoods trek on January 25th, they thought that no later than February 12 they would be back from the wilds, ready for another year of undergrad or graduate work at the institute which is now called the Ural Federal University. |
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DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY By train and by truck the holiday group reached their kickoff point on January 27th, the town of Vizhai. The plan was to camp out in the wilds and travel from Vizhai to the mountain of Orten. Then the group would circle back to Vizhai. As stated before, this was a gang of very experienced skiers and hikers. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY Originally the band of trekkers was ten in number. On January 28th, one day into the adventure, Yuri Yudin became ill and turned back to the town of Vizhai. Yurdin is the only survivor of this group, lets hope he did not suffer from survivor's guilt. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY The photos and journals that the now group of nine took and kept, made it easy for the authorities to track their route in the wilds. The investigation was only stumped when it came to figuring out how this band of hardy adventurers were wiped out. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY To the right is a monument to the unlucky vacationers. |
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DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY The group of nine consisted of seven men and two women. Igor Dyatlov age 23, group leader Yuri Doreshenko age 21 Lyudmila Dyubinina age 20 Georgiy Krivonischenko age 23 Alexander Kolevatov age 24 Zinaida Kolmogorovo age 22 Rustem Slobodin age 23 Nicolai Brignolles age 23 Semyon Zolotarev age 38 Yuri Yudin who became ill with lumbago and left the group one day out into their hike, stayed at a lodge and regained his health. Yudin lived to be 75 yeas old, he died on April 27, 2013. |
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DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY Yudin later on became a government administrator, he always felt they the USSR military was behind the slaughter of his friends. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY Yudin had this to say, "If I had a chance to ask GOD only one question, it would be, what really happened to my friends that night?" Obviously, Yudin went over and over the different scenarios and read and read countless books and articles that had any type of link of truth that could be connected to this tragedy. , In the end, very little made sense? What a terrible cross Yudin had to carry through his life, not ever knowing what happened that terrible night in Siberia, to his pals? ![]() |
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DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY After a number of days in the wilds, the group of nine made camp on the slope of the Kholat Syakhl. The weather had become bad, and they camped on an open slope rather than in the woods, which was around a mile away. Most campers would stay amongst the trees, it would give the pioneers a windbreak. Then again, did these experienced adventurers want a view of what was around them, a vantage pint that would not be blocked by trees. Was something tracking them or were they intent on seeing something in the sky, that they had seen previously. ![]() |
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DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY When the group did not return to civilization by the 20th of February the authorities became concerned and a rescue operation was organized. Planes, helicopter and men on skis began searching for the lost trekkers. The Dyatlov party had planned to finish their cross country trek on the 12th, something was amiss. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY On February 26th, a rescue party found the remnants of the Dyatlov camp, the tent base camp area had been decimated. Down the hill from the camp five corpses from the party of nine were found. Where were the other four skiers? DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY On May 4th, the bodies of the four missing members were found. ![]() |
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DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY The Death of these skiers did not make sense. The investigations and autopsies that followed did not clarify matters. What is know by the groups journals and photos, is that they made camp before dark on February 2. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY 6-8 hours after their last meal by way of the autopsies, all the members of this band of adventurers were dead. They all died terrible painful deaths. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY Sometime during the night of February 2nd, perhaps in the early morning of February 3rd, the group ran out of their tent into the -22 degree weather and either died of hypothermia or from bodily injury. ![]() |
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DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY The group was at best half clad, they had jumped out of their sleeping bags and ran off into the Siberian night, where they died. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY What could have caused such a panic, these were all experienced backwoodsmen and pioneer women. Yet they all left their clothing, shoes, food, in their tent. All of their survival equipment was not taken with them, it was a mad panic to get out of the tent. ![]() |
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DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY The authorities could not explain what had befallen the group, very little made sense. Since 1959 all kind of theories have come into being concerning the destruction of this hardy group. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY The search party found the bodies of the group as follows. Under a large cedar or pine tree, at the forest edge, 525 yards from the decimated tent were the bodies of Doreshenko and Kivronischenko. The duo were barefoot, clad in their underwear, they had made a small fire by the tree they sheltered at. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY The tall tree they were under had been scaled to fifteen feet, by one or both of them. Either they were trying to brake off branches for their fire or they were looking out back at their tent area. The duo had died from hypothermia. DYATLOVPASSMYSTERY Another idea by Raymond Martinez, a conspiracy theorist- thought that one or both of these victims climbed up the tree to escape some type of force that was after them. Later on the duo froze and fell to the snow below. The idea of the victims climbing up a tree to get branches for a fire does to make sense, there are trees all around them, with branches at ground level. On that line of thinking, is it not possible the tree was shaken by some force and one or both of the victims fell to the snow below or were forced to abandon the tree? Depending on who -- the right picture is or is not the tree in question? |
![]() CONTAC ALLAN --- santafewriter@me.com ![]() ![]() |
How tall was the tree that they scaled, that data is not stated in the archives. What is known, is the temperature on the night of the tragedy was below zero. Some archives claim that the temperature that night ranged from -21 to -13 degrees fahrenheit, which does sound about right for that area of the world at that time of year. What is legitimate, is that the temperature was below freezing. The rescuers noted that at the different death sites,a slight snow had covered the corpses and tracks. This was not the case around the destroyed tent. Due to the activity of the hurried exit, the tent area was filled with the snow prints of the nine doomed campers. It was impossible to miss that the group had gotten out of that area as fast as possible. Between the tent area and the makeshift campfire area, searchers found the bodies of Dyatlov, Kolmogororov and Slobodin. (NOTE another photo depending on who -- this is or is not the makeshift campfire photo). By how there bodies were positioned, they were returning to the camp, perhaps crawling to it or observing it. The bodies of these men were each gapped by about 200 yards of open space. The Soviet constables stated that these three men had died of hypothermia. However, Slobidin was found with a crack in his skull. |
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The poor man had taken a tremendous blow to the head. Never the less, the authorities claimed that Slobidin had died from hypothermia.
The other four members of the party were found about 80 yards from the makeshift campfire in a gully area.
Dubinia and Zolotarev had fractured ribs. What is odd about Zolotarev, is that he left the tent with very little clothes on, but he did take his camera with him. Was Zolotarev insane, why did the man rush out into the freezing night improperly clothed, but he took his camera with him. NO HE WAS NOT INSANE! What did Zolotarev want to show to the world? He obviously wanted to leave the world a message by way of his camera.
As for Dubinia, on further examination, her tongue was found to be missing, along with her eyes. This could be the result of how the snow melted during the spring thaw and this resulted in a odd decomposition. However, the authorities in their investigation attested that there was too much blood in Dubinian's stomach area, she had been alive when her tongue was pulled out of her or bitten off. This atrocity would account for the blood in her stomach. The tongue wound led to the collection of blood in her stomach. Brignolles corpse was found with a skull fracture. |
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Kolevatov had died from hypothermia. What could account for the madness of running out of your shelter into the wilds on a sub zero night, badly clothed? The authorities discovered yet another oddity concerning this event. The the large tent that this group was sharing had both ends buttoned up. The group had escaped out of the tent by cutting it with their knives. Whatever happened made the group want to get out of there safe shelter as fast as possible. They cut through the tent and sprinted down the hill. The group was in such a hurry to escape from their tent, they did not bother to unzip or unbutton either end of their shelter. What caused this, quick escape or panic? |
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Here are some of the theories of what befell the Dyatlov group. CABIN FEVER--the men began to brawl over the women and this led to a fight that doomed them all. Perhaps one man got a rifle and threatened the others and they all ran for their lives and died out in the snow. This theory does not make sense, the evidence left behind, diary and photos, as well as physical trauma, do not give credibility to this idea. |
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Physicians who examined the bodies of the Dyatlov group, could not come to grips with what had killed those that died of trauma. Doctor Boris Vorozhendenny stated, "The fatal injuries of the three bodies could not have been caused by another human being, because the force of the blows had been too strong and the soft tissue had not been damaged. This medical statement destroys the theories that the group was killed by local Mansi tribesmen or escaped Gulag prisoners. Also the rescue group claimed they found the snow prints of the Dyatlov group but no other prints. However, snow could have covered up the prints of friend or foe. After all, the victims were not found right away due to a snowfall that apparently happened after their murders. |
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One theory that was in vogue for a while but has lost its credibility over the years. Is that the Dyatlov group were swept away by a avalanche. The evidence at the sight vetoes this idea. ANother notion has it that the group heard an avalanche off in the distance, the panicked and ran out into the lethal night, with little clothing, because they thought they were going to be submerged by tons of snow. Away from the tent, at night, with no lights, they became lost and froze to death. How dark that night was, with the snow, clouds and starlight, one will never know. But the idea of nine experienced hikers not being able to get back to their tent, when they discover there is no avalanche, does not sound right. Also, the manner that they exited the tent does not make sense either, barefoot or in socks, barely dressed, in single file they ran. IT does not compute. ![]() |
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Some sleuths think a pack of bears or wolves attacked the Dyatlov group and in the confusion they ran out of their tent, got lost and died in the cold. There was no evidence to indicate that a pack of bears or wolves attacked this group. These campers were experienced and they would have banded together to fight something that could be taken out by bullet or knives. One theory that has gained some traction recently, is that the group was accidentally or purposely hit by some type of sonic weapon, that the Red Army was perfecting. ![]() |
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This hypersonic beam or burst, caused the group to go insane with pain. The noise or vibration of the weapon made the leave their tent quickly. The weapon made the group feel as if they were burning up, this is why they were so badly clothed when they ran out into the night. Also, perp has the both ends of the tent were blocked by snow. Perhaps that is what happened or? These other two theories have been around since the incident happened. They read as outlandish, but this tragedy is outlandish. ![]() |
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The group was attacked by a Yeti or some type of snow creature that had incredible strength. According to some of the Ural or Siberian tribespeople, a few creatures of cunning and incredible strength live in the wilderness. These ape like animals can be lethal. TO the right is a picture that was reportedly taken by one of the members of Dyatlov group, it does show a Abominable Snowman like creature in the snapshot. Was this creature wounded or angered and it attacked at night. |
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The Mansi tribe which lives in this area, have tales that concern themselves with a biped beast that stands around 6' 9", it is called a Menk. Supposedly, one of the students in the group wrote the following in his or her journal or on a piece of paper for a school newspaper, "From now on, we know that snowmen exist. Is this lore, or is it fact? Then again, the phrase could be meant as a inside joke, as in, they are the snowmen trekking through part of Siberia. |
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Another wild theory, but this does have some supporting evidence to it, is that the Dyaatlov group was attacked by an alien or aliens. Other hiking groups and tribesmen in the area, which is a 30 mile wide circumference, reported seeing orange or yellowish lights in the sky. These lights were UFOs or some type of energy. AT RIGHT: The last photo taken by a person in the group . What is it? An out of focus flash of light inside the tent? A flash of light outside the tent? An energy, an alien, what is it? This is the last picture taken before the group and photographer met their fate. |
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Remember, one of the men in this group--when he fled from the tent, he did not take clothing but his camera. Can the alien hypothesis or even the Yeti notion account for the strange injuries that were found on some of the unlucky hikers. Why did the group stay away from the camp, they were freezing, why did they not go back right away, was something there, they were afraid of. Is this the reason why one of the group members climbed up a tree to get a look at the camp and to see if something or somethings unknown to them, were still at the base camp. ![]() |
Whatever was encountered, made the group leave their safe shelter in haste. The threat made for the group to leave their clothing, supplies and shoes behind. What did they flee from? Another oddity is that the corpses and their clothes had been radiated. What could account for this radiation? When the corpses were brought back to civilization, the clothes and bodies gave off small amounts of radiation. Maybe this group ran into all kinds of bad luck, be it a Yet and then some type of alien encounter. If the group was attacked by Soviet troops, with some type of experimental weapon, then the secret has been kept. IF you have any data about this incident or other similar ones- contact me (ALLAN) with the info at santafewriter@me.com ![]() |
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Below are some photos of what was found-- there is one picture of one of the dead, the other pictures were very ghastly--- do they were not posted--- REST IN PEACE--DYATLOV GROUP...
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Click on icon - right - gets you to Al Pacheco's FB page -- info on radio shows/ click like button when you are on it. |
The 1982 movie "THE THING" concerns itself with an alien shapeshifter that wipes out a band of people in a cold climate. Nobody in the film knows who is foe or friend? One has to ask why would this Dyatlov group leave the safe confines of their basecamp and die of exposure. More curious, some of the dead had injuries that were of extreme nature, as in broken ribs, fractured skull, etc... None of this scenario; how the group died, why they left their shelter and what their last photos indicated makes any sense. If this was not a true story, the actions of this group would make for a screenplay.![]() |
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ABOVE & BELOW: One of the Dyatlov people, I always linked this fellow to the WWII picture below, as in the slight resemblance and awareness in both photos. Below -- WWII combat near KIEV 1943
Above and Below: A tad of a resemblance... Above combat on the Dniester 1943, Russian Front.
IS there any other similar story -- not fake -- of a group of experienced pioneers -- hikers -- adventurers - having a grand time in the wilds - then they get wiped out with out a clue?
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