ABOVE; a photo taken of an energy, is it one or a couple of ghosts, there and gone. IT looks to me like a profile of a face in the middle, others claim it is reptile energy face, full front on. Skeptics will say it is a trick of light. This photo was taken near haunted MARIAN HALL. This area on rare occasions is loaded with ghost activity. Below: not an attack by an energy, the ghost hunter picked up something was there. The dowsing rods or ghost rods, registered AN ENERGY. THIS area by the OLDES CHURCH in USA / SAN MIGUEL MISSION at times can be a focal point for ghost powers.
BELOW --- Another tour a different location, different year. At one time this deserted building (THE OLD HOSPITAL) was filled with ghostly energy. People at times could sense a presence -- not of this world. On rare occasions === cameras or ghost gadget batteries would drain of their power, as in a snap of the fingers. Yet the batteries before the encounter with the force or forces were fully charged. Now tis building or property is the DRUY HOTEL. There are some areas inside and outside that still have energies, but for the most part, as coopered to the past when the property was a deserted hulk, the ghostly energies have packed it up.
GHOST-ATTACK-SANTA-FE --- BELOW LEFT/ On a paranormal investigation led by author and ghoster Allan Pacheco, an energy is encountered inside a haunted graveyard; the end result, a camera is fried by an unworldly entity. BELOW RIGHT/ Snippets of a docu investigation at Santa Fe's LA POSADA -- CONTACT DELUXE!
Tour guide & author Allan Pacheco is not a arm chair expert. Allan is a hands on investigator, his tours, lectures & books are thoroughly researched. IF you need a radio or television guest for your paranormal show, contact Allan santafewriter@me.com![]() |
![]() ![]() 505 986 5002 |
GHOST-ATTACK-SANTA-FE Allan's night tours, navigate through seldom visited, historic and haunted, lanes. 505-986-5002 or 505-231-1336 lets go touring.![]() Ghost tour = Bring your camera - you never can tell!![]() |
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Cameras at times do malfunction in this area, below a reaction to the camera coming back to life.
STRAIGHT ACROSS this stream, or straight across from these black magic ornaments, on the LA LLORONA PATH or WITCH PATH --BLAIR WITCH PATH--- is a stump that creeps people out. The stump had all kinds of stuff on it, that does not look inviting. On many of my tours, there has been remarks that the stump or occult art work or occult objects are something out of THE BLAIR WITCH movie. In this area I am usually asked to go over the story of La Llorona and other wtich stories of summonings.
The above and below were taken at different seasons, there are some things removed and replaced -- summoning --- coven -- occult -- activity.
On you tour, you are encouraged to bring your camera and ghostometers, there are some places that the tour goes past or through------------ where in the past (AT TIMES) contact has been made with -- something?
Below -- this came out, The shot was taken in a haunted SANTA FE SPOT. Nothing was seen by the human eye, but teh ghost gadgets were going off, contact had been made. This photo, is the what is it? Was something in front of the camera at point blank range? Or is this a malfunction of the camera and nothing was there. Some people claiming books like a forehead and eyes of some sinister being. Maybe? In this area, where the gauges of the ghost gadgets went wild, there was for a number of seconds, a cold zone. Then that cold went away. Where is that place, or go on AL Pacheco's tours and find out. OR go through this website and you will get an idea of where the action is at. 505 986 5002 SCHEDULE A PRIVATE SAFARI! PARANORMAL DELUXE.
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![]() 505-986-5002 = Allan Pacheco leads your safari, day or night. 505-231-1336.![]() ![]() |
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![]() Schedule a tour or get Allan on your radio show... 505-986-5002 or 505-231-1336 or santafewriter@me.com |
spirit walk for the ages! DRESS THE PART, IT'S YOUR SAFARI![]() ![]() |
GHOSTS -ATTACK-SANTA-FE Above on a ate afternoon ghost tour, AL PACHECO in the haunted quad of the LAMY BUILDING and his watch taken from his wrists, It was just broken off or torn from him. Above, Kevin on who was on tour, holds, AL PACHECO's watch. As AP was talking about the haunted area of the QUAD, snap, tear, and there goes the watch. Years ago in another section of eh QUAD, AL PACHECO had a similar experience except in that encounter, the watch was impacted with such force that its face was broken. Below, a photo of the watch ALLAN wore,, the snapshot is from a spring investigation on the other side of the Quad, AL is atop the haunted stairs. .
Above and below -- ALLAN PACHECO and KEVIN near the end of the tour, standing where OLD ROUTE 66 used to enter the PLAZA. The fouled -- ghost wanted watch -- is held by ALLAN in the photos. When you tour with AL PACHECO all din of things can happen. his upcoming PODCAST is even better than his tours --- listen up -- PARANORMAL over teh air waves with PACHECO