GHOST-HUNTERS-SANTA-FE = Above and Below --- different tours ----different locations.
ABOVE: GHOST-HUNTERS-SANTA-FE ===outside of the LA POSADA -- home of JULIA's --- the tag line A SPIRITED RESTAURANT ---- yes -- The LA POSADA is a very haunted hotel --- the ghost of JULIA STAAB haunts the old mansion that is now a first class resort. I claim there are more than one ghost that visits the remodeled WILD WEST estate. --
KEY IDEA --- your safari is best done at night --- and yes -- the tour does pass by and through some haunted areas.
Below: Spooklane -- ghost tour, something was there, even one is smooth with the camera -- a lot of time -- nothing comes out -- or the photo is jumbled..
GHOST-HUNTERS-SANTA-FE / A lot going on in this photo --- on tour ALLAN's satchel strap was ripped from him, his strap broke -- this incident happened near what used to be called SHADES OF DEAHT LANE / BLAIR WITCH PATH ---- at the end of the GHOST-HUNTERS-SANTA-FE. tour --- the family that hired Allan Pacheco poses with the broken satchel --- note the grey beam in the above right of the photo ---- this tour was filled with all kinds of action --- paranormal --- TONS OF FUN --- and startling at times --- Book a tour with Allan Pacheco 505-986-5002
Below: Contact --- GHOST-HUNTERS-SANTA-FE 505-986-5002 ----- At this place, sometimes gadgets pick up entries, orbs are photographed and people feel a vibe. This lady caught the energy, and she was a bit shocked and surprised. YUP -- SOMETHING -- A FORCE WAS THERE and it made its presence felt.
GHOST-HUNTERS-SANTA-FE = Above at the end of a Night time or Below -- sometimes things are detected -- or felt --- case in point below. Something was there.
Below -- tour guide AL PACHECO -- leading a paranormal late night tour. Note the arrow -- what is that to the right, it does look like a ghostly- cloud face. However--- I would think it is trick of light -- or it had better be. Thad not better be -- something sneaking up on me!
Yes- this plot -- has all kinds of bad mojo (historically documented) and consequently -- the property is linked to all kinds of evil -- as in evil deluxe. So was something caught on film -- or is it shadows and imagination?
Move your head a bit or the left as well -- as to the right as you study this snapshot -- concentrate on where the arrow is pointing. IT does look like an eerie or ghostly face.
I try to be as skeptical as I can be -- and I would think it is light deflection / however --- nobody saw this image or anything similar to it as we stood in place and I told the group about the strange- metaphysical goings on of the building and lot.
Interestingly -- beyond the photo to the right -- in the foreground -- or out of the picture -- activity has been felt, and photographed -- through the years. So make up your mind -- the big what is it ---- trick of the eye -- with light -- or something from parts unknown?
GHOST-HUNTERS-SANTA-FE. ---- on your tour -- it does not m matter how expensive or how inexpensive your ghost gadget is --- Bring it --- it is a rare thing -- but sometimes energies are run into and are registered on the the GHOST GADGETS ---- EVP ---- hey that bush that moves --- it maybe the wind --- or it could be something else... 505-986-5002. Book you private tour.
Amateurs or professionals -- expensive or inexpensive ghost hunting gadgets -- you got one --- bring it. On tour --we do pass by haunted areas and in the past on some safaris --- energies have been registered on devices. Also -- sometimes they have been felt -- as in chicken flesh -- or even photographed.
ABOVE A trick of light, correct? Some would speculate that what was caught on a trail cam below was shot atop a haunted balcony in SANTA FE? Demonic energy in a form is captured. I guess one could see an outline upstairs of a creature, but I dare say it is shadow and light. Below -- is that a fake? Comparing a fake to a fake? Then again, I could be %100 wrong and these are photos that caught an entity on film. but I doubt it. Usually ghost pictures or entity pictures are not that sharp or that obvious.
GHOST-HUTERS-SANTA-FE --- When you go on tour with ALLAN PACHECO -- bring your gear.
Above the famous -- ST. FRANCIS CATHEDRAL circa 1950/ TO the right of the picture is the LA FONDA hotel. Below in the plaza -- 2023 ----- daytime ghost- paranormal tour. These Texicans are in the plaza, on what used to be old RT 66. Behind them in the distance is the St. Francis Cathedral. Your paranormal tour can be done during the day or at night. 505 986 5002. THIS WAS A GREAT TOUR, A GREAT FAMILY! They were not afraid to ask paranormal questions. The you tour with AL PACHECO, bring your metaphysical - conspiracy questions.
Lets go touring! Ghost or History. Your tour is done at a comfortable pace.