The Santa Fe Prison was known as "the Old Main", today the building is abandoned and used for movie sets and SWAT training. Prior to the 1980 riot, the facility was overcrowded and understaffed. On the night of the riot, 11 or 16 guards, the number is disputed were inside the prison watching over a 1000 plus inmates. How many guards were outside of the Old Main manning the perimeter guard towers is also disputed. At times it is claimed 6 people were on duty in the towers. This low amount of guards was not uncommon, for years the prison was run by a skeleton crew.
To keep the inmates under control, brutality amongst the felons was encouraged by the corrections authorities. Some guards known as "BULLS" used their power the wrong way and made things worse amongst the prison population by way of the "SNITCH" system and beatings.
Also violent inmates who had no qualms about spilling blood were released into the general prison populations, this is before the days of prisoner classifications 1-6 levels. The predator prisoners which were late identified by correction psiecialsts as "THE NEW BREED" were rarely checked by the authorities.
As long as the violence stayed inside the prison itself, the dog eat dog environment was not altered. Some guardsmen did try to change the "Lord of the Flies" world that was found in the prison, but their endeavors were not matched by the civilian authorities and PRISON WARDEN FELIX RODRIGUEZ and his 2nd in command, DEPUTY WARDEN ROBERT MONTOYA who pretty much looked the other way when it came to the violence inside the "The Old Main".
ROUGH STUFF -- but this all happened, need a break from this terrible history --- click here for UFO CATTLE MUTILATION LINK
Also some guardsmen were brutal when it came to the inmates. Depending on how young and how strong plus adept a new inmate was at defending himself, made the difference if that new inmate was going to be singled out by the prison guards and authorities.
To gain a snitch sin an inmate who did not want to be one -- the new inmate who was not psychically large or strong would be picked by the authorities and thrown into a cell or cell area with the old violent convicts who were maxed out or close to being maxed out with their sentences.
The new inmate would be beaten and rapped by the older nothing to lose convicts, the new inmate would either have to endure this or ask for protection from the guardsmen and authorities and in return he would have to become a snitch. When the assaulted inmate was gaining his health in the prison hospital, that violated inmate would have to make a decision, of being thrown back into a hellish situation of where he was at or work for the authorities. The below video goes into detail on how badly run the Santa Fe Prison was and why the old building still reeks of evil and ghostly activity. Because there was so much anger, hatred, and vileness at this place, that the violence, the blood letting, and the torture, that happened their -- did attract negative to demonic energies.
PRISONRIOTSANTAFE The common denominator at the prison was hate and violence. For those felons that wanted to do their time and stay clean, the environment at the prison made that chore near impossible. THE OLD MAIN WAS THE USA's VERSION OF DEVIL's ISLAND. I have interviewed a number of prisoners and guards that were at the prison during the 1980 riot, what stands out about the blood letting is that before the uprising, brutality was encouraged by the higher ups who ran the prison, by way of the "SNITCH" system. The SNITCH system as you will see, fueled the anger and hate that resided in the inmates. PRISONRIOTSANTAFE Also there was a lack of rehab or educational programs for the inmates. In essence, the felons who were incarcerated at the prison, were thrown into a world that was very dangerous and cruel. The Santa Fe prison was not seen by the authorities as a correctional institution it was seen as a place where you despot inmates and what happens to them is of no concern. PRISONRIOTSANTAFE The only steadfast rule was that the correction chiefs had was that these inmates can not get out of the facility. If these sentenced men did manage to escape, they would prey upon the civilian population. One must remember, that not all of these inmates were no limits, violent gangsters. Some of the inmates had been put in prison for non violent crimes, such as drug possession. PRISONRIOTSANTAFE The non violent criminals and addicts were mixed in with hardened murderers and manipulating, bully inmates. These hardened criminals were known to some prison experts as the "NEW BREED". The New Breed started showing up in the inmate population in the early 1970s PRISONRIOTSANTAFE. Due to the fact that the inmates were not that well supervised, the world inside the Santa Fe facility could be described as "HELL ON EARTH". Predators preyed on their prey and fought other predators. How was this large population of very violent and non violent prisoners kept in check, by ways of the before mentioned "SNITCH" system. Information was passed onto the guards or authorities by way of informants or rats. This SNITCH system was set up according to some sources, by former prison Warden, Felix Rodriguez. At the time of the riot Rodriguez was the state of New Mexico's Corrections Secretary. PRISONRIOTSANTAFE Circa 1970-1975 Rodriguez was the warden of the prison, he used to boast about the SNITCH system. Paraphrasing Rodriguez, the warden would gesture and remark; "When two inmates are talking, I know what they are talking about, because I would get the info from one of the duo, by way of the SNITCH policy." PRISONRIOTSANTAFE Depending on the guard, the authority, or another prisoner, some SNITCHES identities were revealed to the prison population. Also inmates who had nothing to do with the SNTICH system lived in fear that someday they would be falsely accused of being a Snitch by a fellow prisoner or guard. The environment at the prison was turned into a world of where there was little trust, and with the New Breed of criminal now being incarcerated, the facility became a time bomb. PRISONRIOTSANTAFE The New Breed was described by inmate psychologists, as a psychotic man who had little regard for his life or the life of others. This New Breed of prisoner, was also listed as a person with mental illness that had not been diagnosed or medicated. The New Breed was prone to deadly violence, when tested these prisoners's brains lit up differently from others when it came to ideas and stimuli. These New Breed saw the world differently from the rest of humanity, this was due to how they were raised and how drugs had altered their thinking. Unfortunately, as of today decades after the riot, American culture has bred more of these New Breed monsters. These New Breed people are unable to cope with modern society's rules and eventually these Americans become violent criminals after years of drug abuse, homelessness, and prior to that, terrible family dynamics. Sadly, American cities are filled with uneducated people who are on the road to becoming a New Breed felon. These future inmates were not helped by the school system or public care. Unable to help themselves, in time these people become habitual lethal criminals. A perfect storm was brewing for an outbreak of violence at the prison, but the civilian authorities failed to address the fast approaching crisis. As for those that were murdered during the uprising, it is estimated by some that around 2/3rds of the 33 slain inmates were seen by the rest of the prison populace as snitches, rapists or sexual perverts. In the world of prison or in the world of "The Old Main' the lowest form of life were those that had been put behind of bars because they were sexual degenerates. Rapist or child molesters were thought of by the prison population as humans that were not worthy of life. Likewise snitches were also put into the death warrant category. These classes of inmates, the deviants and snitches, if they were let out into the general population they were targeted for death by other prisoners. When the riot broke out these inmates who were sexually warped were housed in protective custody in cell block 4, along with the snitches. In cell block 4 there were also, inmates who were seeking protection from bully inmates. Soon after the uprising began, rampaging prisoner were able to get into cell block 4 and open up the cells by keys or by using blow torches. In and around cell block 4, these protective custody prisoners were murdered in the most gruesome ways. As for the guards that were captured in the prison, all of them were beaten and some were sodomized and rapped. Some of the people killed in cell block 4 were child molesters and violent sexual perverts. The torturing of these inmates can not be justified, there were some BAD DUDES in cell block 4. The reason I wrote that preamble is to let the reader know, some of these guys who died during the riot, brought a lot of destruction and death to innocent kids and women. Note in this video on the right how the ex-guard says, "Cell Block 4 housed, the snitches, the baby rappers and the rapists. Again, not all the inmates in cell block 4 were sexual deviants, but the block did house a number of these monsters. The video does also mention the haunted areas of the prison. Reader remember the SNITCH system, the the prison employed. Not all of the snitches were rapists, deviants, perverts or murderers...However some of the inmates that were killed during the riot were twisted individuals. THE BELOW ARTICLE IS BY MARIA KORAN SEPT 6, 2016 -ATLANTIC JOURNAL-- THE ARTICLE ON FACTS ALONE -- TELLS THE READER, JUST HOW EVILY SICK CHILD MOLESTERS - OR CHILD PREDATORS ARE. The remains of Jacob Wetterling, the 11-year-old boy whose abduction in Minnesota nearly 27 years ago helped lead to the creation of a national sex-offender registry, have been found and identified through dental records. The Stearns County sheriff’s office said Saturday Wetterling’s remains were recovered in a farm in central Minnesota. Police were led there by Danny James Heinrich, who on Tuesday confessed in court to kidnapping and killing the boy on October 22, 1989. Wetterling, his 10-year-old brother, and an 11-year-old friend were biking home from a convenience store that day when a masked gunman stopped them. The assailant told Wetterling’s brother and friend to run, but forced Wetterling into his car and handcuffed him. Heinrich led police to the spot where he buried the body near Paynesville, Minnesota, last week, the Star Tribune in Minnesota reported. Heinrich wascharged last year with 25 counts of possessing and receiving child pornography. He spoke in court Tuesday after agreeing to a plea deal that cut the number of charges to one. Heinrich’s retelling of the crime Tuesday was the first time the Wetterling family and the public heard about what happened to Jacob Wetterling. Heinrich said he drove Wetterling to an area near a gravel pit, led him out of the vehicle, uncuffed him, and molested him. More from the Star Tribune: Jacob asked to go home, but Heinrich told him he couldn’t take him all the way home. Jacob started to cry. “I panicked. I pulled the revolver out of my pocket...I loaded it with two rounds. I told Jacob to turn around,” Heinrich said. “I told him I had to go to the bathroom,” Heinrich said. “I raised the revolver to his head. I turned my head and it clicked once. I pulled the trigger again and it went off. Looked back, he was still standing. “I raised the revolver again and shot him again.” Search crews spent months looking for Wetterling, and a group of anonymous Minnesota business owners offered a $100,000 reward for his return. Wetterling’s parents, Jerry and Patty, created an advocacy group for children’s safety in Jacob’s name in 1990, three months after their son’s abduction. The Wetterlings began lobbying for the creation of a statewide registry for individuals convicted of sexual offenses in Minnesota. In 1994, the Jacob Wetterling Act became federal law, requiring all 50 states to create sex-offender registries. “We are in deep grief. We didn’t want Jacob’s story to end this way,” the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center said in a statement Tuesday. “In this moment of pain and shock, we go back to the beginning. The Wetterlings had a choice to walk into bitterness and anger or to walk into a light of what could be, a light of hope. Their choice changed the world.” The Stearns County sheriff’s office said Tuesday state authorities will conduct further DNA testing of the remains. The office said local and state law-enforcement agencies, as well as the FBI, are “currently in the process of reviewing and evaluating new evidence in the Jacob Wetterling investigation.” Yes, the abandoned prison is HAUNTED.: CLICK HERE FOR SANTA FE HAUNTED -PARANORMAL TOURS. why IS the prison system is out of control. It seems very little has been learned from what happened in 1980 as compared to today's criminal system. MORE TO FOLLOW ----MORE PROOF BELOW -- GOT $ -- EASY TIME BEHIND BARS |
PRISONRIOTSANTAFE Below: beyond the tower the prisoners controlled.![]() Right of the skirmish line is the main entrance.![]() ![]() Allan is standing at the "Old Main Entrance" as visitors leave. All this area up to where the civilians are, was under inmate control.![]() ![]() Above & Below, today and right after the riot.![]() ![]() PRISONRIOTSANTAFE
![]() This building from where Allan is taking a picture outward was under control of the prisoners. The authorities controlled the area at the fence and beyond.![]() ![]() ![]() PRISONRIOTSANTAFE One thing about NM and USA JUSTICE SYSTEM -- it is the best system that money can buy. If you have the EL DINERO -- you have a %90 chance easy -- you will get a slap on the wrist. IF you do not have funds, you are pretty much in a world of injustice. PRISONRIOTSANTAFE BELOW -- BILLY JEFF CLINTON, the evidence was had, he was a rapist, and he walked. ![]() PRISONRIOTSANTAFE What was the base crime for imprisonment in 1980--- DRUGS -- Yet, as of today -- the base cause of imprisonment has not been checked. Through Biden's administration, the borders have been opened up, more drugs enter USA and more people become hooked and end up in prison. THE SYSTEM -- IS KEYED TO PREY UPON THE LEAST EDUCATED, THE LEAST MONIED. ONCE IN THE SYSTEM -- IT IS VERY HARD TO GET OUT OF. Drugs flow across the USA border - AMERICANS become addicted -- crime follows -- prison populations goes up. YET, when it comes to closing the border so less addictive poison comes into USA -- the BIDEN government does nothing. It does not care that Americans are become more addictive, homeless, dying from overdoses or being sentenced to years behind bars == due to addiction. Yet UKRAINE is more important than USA --- there border is more important than USA's, there people are more important than those AMERICANS that are fighting addiction. ![]() PRISONRIOTSANTAFE The War in Iraqi was fought 10 years after the PRISONRIOTSANTAFE but the BUSH administration did not care about the drug problems, the destruction of American culture, the addiction rates amongst the least affluent in USA, but they gave a lot of money to the WAR INDUSTRY -- for conduction a war against a country that had no WMDS. ROCKEFLLER REPUBLICANS or GLOBLAIST DEMOCRATS -- they got to go, be voted out -- they are not on AMERICA's side. They could care less about DRUG addictions and its consequences. The lies and crimes that the BIDENS, THE BUSH I, BUSH II,, OBAMA & BILLY JEFF CLINTON, REAGAN, have no consequences for themselves, -- in USA the JUSTICE SYSTEM IS THE FRIEND of those that HAVE POWER & $.. ![]() ![]() |
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Below: Paranormal mayhem, from the 1981 RIOT, yes the SANTA FE MAIN is haunted!
How bad was the violence during the riot. The below evidence was used during the state investigation on what happened during the violent uprising. The skull is all that remains of one of the convicts who was murdered by the other inmates. The rioting inmates were able to capture a tear gas gun. They fired the tear gas round into their captured convicts head, note the hole and the round next to it. The dead convict was further kicked and then his body was set afire. This is all that is left. According to some of the people I interviewed, some of the inmates remains could not be identified, that is how brutal the violence was. \ PRISONRIOTSANTAFE
In 1970, due to STAR CHAMBER investigations, the prison was in some easy worse than DEVIL's ISLAND, the old penal colony off the coast of FRENCH GUYANA, yet the STATE authorities did nothing to alleviate the terrible conditions and snitch system inside the prison. The corruption at the prison amonst the staff was bad, this led to a dog eat dog environment inside the OLD MAIN. The result is the above picture. Below is a short documentary with FARRAKHAN, who is a very smart man. His theme is about the prison system and he shows the viewer -- prison is not about reform the individual it is about profit and destruction of people.
BELOW: Small snippet on the prison (certain areas) and what was found when the complex was retaken by the guards.
BELOW: The first reality video or documentary on prison, this was shot in 1978. Prison is not like what you see on TV or in film, here is some tough reality of what prison was like in 1978. Unfortunately penitentiary life has gotten worse since then, due to the drug epidemic that has swept the USA. SCARED STRAIGHT.
BELOW: 20 years later what happened to these people after the SCARED STRAIGHT program.
BELOW: Crime wave effects younger people in their mid teens now as compared to their late teens in the 1970s. The below video gives proof to that… And again this short video shows just how bad prison is.
BELOW: Inmates telling the young toughs how it is in the penitentiary, the SANTA FE PRISON was like this but to the 10th power. It's no wonder the riot broke out.
Repeating-- this is a page that concerns itself with the PRISON's history and many investigations + ghost tours of the facility. Allan does not do ghost tours at the prison, he does tours in Santa Fe-- history or ghost.